I've officially had my first test as a nursing student.
I just about died.
okay, that might be a SLIGHT exagoration...
But I did get muscle spasms from all the stress.
Test numero uno consisted of
28 chapters.
I'm going to let that marinade in your mind for a moment....
yes, you read that correctly. 28 chapters.
The info ranged from ethics to fluid and electrolytes to acid base balances.
I studied my little brain to the near point of explosion.
And honestly, I thought I was going to FAIL.
Not just like 69% fail....but like 19% fail.
The form of these tests mirror the form of the state boards.
Which, anyone that has taken a state board will know that it is a totally different way of thinking than just normal every day tests.
They will put 1 wrong answer, and 3 correct answers.
They expect you to choose the MOST correct answer.
So i'm still learning to reason that way.
Good news tho, I passed!
But don't you worry, We have 9 chapters to have read by Monday for Pharmacology.
No big deal.
P.S.....I'm the worlds best flash card maker
Flash Cards rock. That's how I studied for my tests. I'm proud of you Marissa!!!